Since 2013, the Darlington County chapter for the Pee Dee Coalition against Domestic and Sexual Assault has led fundraising efforts to assist victims.  With the help of our community, we have raised over a quarter of a million dollars to assist this worthy cause.


how it works

Members of our community and supporters anxiously await our yearly fundraiser that occurs on the last Thursday of January.  The event takes place at Hartsville’s historic Center Theater that includes 850+ seats for attendees.  Twelve to fourteen dance teams consisting of a male and female compete to be selected by judges as the winner of the dance competition. Each dance team includes a professional dancer, as well as, a local celebrity.  In addition to winning the dance competition, a team is also chosen as our People’s Choice Award.  This award is given to the couple that receives the most votes from members of the community and audience.  Votes are $10 each and go to the Coalition.  Votes may be purchased on our website, at the event, or through our dancers.  Funds are also raised through sponsors for the event, ticket sales, and ad purchases for the event program.  General Admission tickets may be purchased online starting in early January.  Sponsors are given VIP tickets that include seating, as well as, access to our VIP reception for food and drinks.  Come join us for another exciting show!

Darlington County Chapter Board

  • Pat Segars, President

  • Jennifer Boyles, Vice President

  • Mary Wood Beasley

  • Ellen Bethea

  • Ben Gore

  • Alma Harris

  • Meredith Taylor

  • Eric Thompsen

  • Tamara Kirven